Premium303 : Situs Video Game Paling Menarik di Indonesia

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Atmospheric sceneries

Atmospheric sceneries – 40 star systems presenting celestial objects of all sorts from rocky asteroids and volcanic moons to life containing rock planets and gas giants. Feel the lyrical ambience and vastness of space in an unique artistic cosmos with the highly praised soundtrack by Maximalism.

Atmospheric sceneries

Diverse difficulty levels

Modes from purely narrative focus to a gameplay for extreme survivalists provides replayability value. The game has a lot of survival genre elements, which are amplified in the harder difficulty levels, while the easier levels are more story focused. The Nightmare mode has limited save games and even heavier focus on the resource management pushing Constellation Distantia closer to a roguelite game.

Captivating events

Atmospheric sceneries

There are a lot of people in Distantia, and not all of them friendly. Mining vessels, modified fighters, transporters, dome habitats on deserted rocks all the way to mega-cities. You gotta be on guard. and

Rodney Lawson

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