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Combat & The flying model, Distances and Scales

Combat & The flying model, Distances and Scales – The flying model, distances and scales are tuned towards entertaining gameplay instead of an accurate simulation. That doesn’t equal easy cruising, however. The laws of physics play their part and the 6-axis controls of the jet spacecraft (called the Eagle-Owl) do require one’s full attention.

Check control mappings for your controller / keyboard+mouse in the game’s Settings menu. idn poker

Combat & Flying

Worth noting is that during the first few missions, Eagle-Owl Two has no boost engine. When Eagle-Owl Three has been built though, you can get boostin’. While flying, click the Boost button for a few seconds of turbo speed, or hold the button down for continuous rocket boost. If this speed feels like child’s play, be informed that there are more powerful engines available in the Lab.

During one-to-one combat, the enemy – or enemies – posing a direct threat to your vessels, are marked with red squares on your HUD. Then again, there will be armies of ill-spirited Movers marked with yellow squares that might, or might not, attack you.

Combat & Flying

Since the targets are moving really fast in space, the important aspects to learn in combat and asteroid mining are:

  1. To estimate the correct aiming lead
  2. To reach effective shooting distance

It’s also highly recommended to upgrade the Eagle-Owl as soon as possible. Stronger rocket engines, better maneuverability and more powerful guns will improve your chances of survival in combat.

Rodney Lawson

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